Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Apple Chips - yum!

We started Weight Watchers almost 3 weeks ago and I've been looking for yummy snacks that are also healthy. I came across this recipe and wanted to try it. I tried a few different ways, and I thought I'd share the one that worked tonight.

What you need:
Non-stick cooking spray
2 apples (I used Gala)
Potato slicer (or a sharp knife and steady hand)
1/2 t cinnamon
6 packets of Splenda

Take your apples

and cut their tops and bottoms off like this

Next, slice them into 1/8" slivers using your handy potato slicer (we got ours at Wal Mart many moons ago)

Spray your cooking sheets with non-stick cooking spray. Lay the slivers out on baking sheets (it took 2 for me)

Mix your Splenda and cinnamon

in a bowl like this

It doesn't make much. I thought I'd need more, but this was plenty. Next, sprinkle it on your apple slices

Put them on the top and bottom racks of your oven. (please ignore my gross oven.)

Bake them on 250 for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. I started checking them at about an hour and they were defiantly not done yet. They come out looking like this

Yes, I tried a few before I took the picture. I had to make sure they were done! Lol!

Serve them on your fine china



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