Saturday, June 4, 2011

Noodle Dog tutorial

I've been sharing the noodle dog idea with all kinds of people and I guess it does take a little bit of an explanation. So, here's a picture tutorial for the Noodle Dogs :-)

First, cut an uncooked hot dog into 4 pieces like this

Then stick about 6-8 pieces of uncooked spaghetti through each piece of hot dog. Make sure they are all going roughly in the same direction.

Put the whole contraption in boiling water. (Please ignore the dirty burner)

You'll have to stand there for a few minutes until the noodles will let you bend them enough to get everything in the pot.

Cook them for about 8-10 minutes. *tip: when the noodles are ready, give it another 2-3 minutes because they are less cooked inside the hot dog*

Serve on your kid's favorite plate

Several people asked if I put any sauce on them. I don't because my kids like them just fine without sauce and they tend to eat them like this:

So it seems sauce would just make a mess. I think it would be yummy, but I'm not down with cleaning that mess. :-)


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